Calderdale primary care mental health pharmacy team
Who are we?
We are a specialist mental health team who provide support around mental health medication to people in the community.
What do we offer?
- Support with medication reviews on mental health medicines
- Support with mental health related medication queries
- Reviewing medicines after discharge from specialist mental health wards with GPs
- Contacting individuals prescribed certain mental health medication which is identified for needing a review
How can I be referred to this service?
You must be a Calderdale resident receiving care under the NHS, aged over 18, and agree to receiving input from the mental health pharmacy team. You can ask your GP or any other professional who is supporting you to make a referral for you.
Where can I find more information about my mental health medication?
You can find more information by visiting
Information is provided in different languages and in Easy Read format.
For more information please download the primary care mental health pharmacy leaflet (PDF, 110KB)
Download the Calderdale Primary Care Mental Health Pharmacy Team Leaflet (PDF, 149KB)